|Update|Eugenic Exploitation and Population Control in Film: I’m Gonna Get You Sucka (1987), Undercover Brother (2002), They Cloned Tyrone (2023), The Island (2005)


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African Americans as well as others of marginalized, disenfranchised groups have often been exploited for various types of experiments. Economic, medical, social experiments have utilized Blacks as guinea pigs to test dangerous and potentially dangerous things. For example, the Black civil rights movement of the 1960’s was a social experiment carried out as a litmus test to see if civil rights could be gained for gays, according to Bayard Rustin – gay, Black civil rights leader who worked behind the scenes with Martin Luther King and who some consider to be the architect of the 1960’s era civil rights movement.

Unbeknownst to the black mass majority, they were in the streets getting beaten and killed with gay rights being the end goal. This is why it makes sense that that particular group keeps hitching their wagons onto social justice issues concerning Blacks, then often overshadowing Black issues with their own issue. It is parasitic and disingenuous to use Black people as mascots – human shields – to advance their own causes ahead of those that affect Black people. Other groups have done the same thing.

Art Imitates Life?

The movies that we’ll be discussing are, as mentioned in the title, I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, Undercover Brother, They Cloned Tyrone and The Island. I’m Gonna Get You Sucka focuses on the economic exploitation of Blacks. Undercover Brother, They Cloned Tyrone, and The Island focuses on medical- based experimentation and psychological warfare.

  • I’m Gonna Git You Sucka: Gold Fever
  • Undercover Brother: Malt Liquor and chicken
  • They Cloned Tyrone: Cloning Missing Person
  • The Island (2005): Cloning. Breeding, Organ Trafficking

I’m Gonna Get You Sucka (1987): Gold Fever

With I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, Keenan Ivory Wayans makes the observation that the idolatry and coveting of luxury items –  has become an epidemic in the Black community.  Gold Fever is the obsession with collecting as many gold chains as possible. Not only in terms of the crimes of theft and murder that it has caused, gold fever been a plague in the community with the chains becoming chains of vain insecurity and a scarcity mindset that is a prison to the wearer and eventually kills them. 

Undercover Brother (2002): Malt Liquor and chicken

The B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D., a Black spy network who monitors and takes action against threats to the Black community, has been observing lone wolf crime fighter – Undercover Brother. Each are fighting the same enemies and their main antagonist is “The Man.”

Eventually, they join forces to discover that “The Man” has been trying to stop the Black General Warren Boutwell from running for president  by using mind control. The Man tries to direct Boutwell to open and promote a fried chicken franchise through which he plans to use the mind control drug against the entire Black community. Malt liquor, an inside joke about General Boutwell actor Billy Dee Williams real life promotion of Colt 45, was causing low-fertility, penis shrinkage, and chemical castration amongst Black men.

They Cloned Tyrone (2023): Cloning

They Cloned Tyrone opens the conversation on human cloning to the mass public making it no longer, or at  least, not as much a fringe issue. It addresses the issues of Black exploitation and medical apartheid in the Black community. Medical apartheid has lead to Blacks being subject to horrible experiments as well as other forms of medical discrimination such as neglect and organ trafficking across the African Diaspora.  The antagonist is a secret government organization that has been spying on the Black community. A team of Black spies uncovers that the spying is being done for a government cloning operation that targets Black people.

The Island (2005): Cloning. Breeding, Organ Trafficking

Clone, Lincoln Six Echo discovers that the encapsulated, isolated proto smart city in which he and others live is a population control and social engineering farm for wealthy elitists who are the benefactors for clones of themselves. They clones are not aware that they are clones. Eventually, Lincoln discovers that he and the others are clones.

There is a lottery that occurs that rewards winners with a trip to The Island. Lincoln discovers that those who were chosen to go the Island were being removed to serve the purposes of their benefactors such as cloning, breeding, and organ-harvesting in addition to other agendas.

In Real Life

This may seemed farfetched until recounts events such as:

  • The Tuskegee Experiment
  • The Negro Project
  • Homer G. Phillips black market adoption ring
  • Forced and undisclosed sterilizations
  • Organ Harvesting another face of Human trafficking: Slavery, Henrietta Lacks and Abortion
  • Right to Life Violations
  • Government spying on the Public

Tuskegee Experiment

Prominent black nurse, Eunice Rivers, convinced impoverished Black men to participate in a medical study wherein which they would be treated for bad blood and any other health issues. Undisclosed to them was the true purpose of the study – to observe the effects of untreated syphilis on Black men’s health.

Unofficially, Rivers became head the of the project because of her forty year affiliation. As a result of her continual insistence and justification of the study long after it had been found that penicillin effectively treated syphilis, many doctors abandoned the project due to its unethical violation of the patients’ rights. Eunice Rivers, however, prolonged the project for profit with no regard for the men’s health nor the health of their wives and offspring who with often born with birth defects and developmental issues due their mother’s untreated syphilis that had been contracted from the father.

The Negro Project

The Negro Project was a presented as a health outreach program for Blacks in the south. Its agenda was use birth control, foam contraceptives mainly, as a method of population control among Blacks. For practicality, Black women were glad for the contraceptives, however they didn’t realize the agenda behind it – considering Margaret Sanger was a Malthusian eugenicist who aligned with anti-Black, assimilationist eugenic leaders within the Black community such as W.E.B. Du Bois who expressed the following in Negros and Birth Control in 1939:

“Among the more intelligent class, was a postponement of marriage, which greatly decreased the number of children. Today, among this class of Negroes few men marry before thirty, and numbers of them after forty. The marriage of women of this class has similarly been postponed.

In addition to this, the low incomes which Negroes receive make bachelorhood and spinsterhood widespread, with the naturally resultant lowering, in some cases, of sex standards. On the other hand, the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” (para. 4 and para.5).

Margaret Sanger also determined who should reproduce by fitness. Malthusian Eugenicists also such as Sanger believed that resources and vital assistance should be withheld from those who are classified to be least fit. She considered those unfit to procreate to be dysgenic. According to the principles of Malthusian eugenic, the following people groups are seen to be least fit in American society according to the principles of Malthusian eugenics:

– People with Special Needs
– African Americans
– Poor Whites
– Poor People
– People of Color
– Criminals

To the malthusian eugenicist, these people are useless, weak,
feeble-minded consumers who are dangerous, burdensome, and contribute nothing to society. Margaret Sanger, wrote a whole chapter against whom she considered to be the feeble-minded, in her book Pivot of Civilization. In Chapter IV: Fertility of the Feeble- Minded, she states that the feeble-minded are the “least intelligent and thoroughly degenerate.” (p.82). She lists the following characteristics found among them as those which establish reasons that such persons shouldn’t legally be allowed to procreate:

– Abnormally High fertility rates
– Pauperism
– Epilepsy
– Mental defect
– Degeneracy
– Criminality
– Insanity
– Prostitution
– Syphillitics

Degeneracy is derided by Sanger. Sanger gives no account for external factors nor deeper causative biological factors, aside from being an imbecile (which is her self-righteous, elitist, sociopathic, personal opinion), that would influence a person’s behavior such as a change in their life circumstances beyond their control. She views the world in terms of the miscontextualization of the concept “survival of the fittest.”

To get Black people onboard with birth control, Sanger hid her population control agenda by employing the use of Black leaders such as ministers, doctors, nurses, politicians, social scientists and social workers to convince the Black masses to accept family planning as a means of attaining economic stability and upward mobility. She also had compassion for the women were getting pregnant by their husbands over and over again, especially when they sought relief by using contraceptives. God said be fruitful and multiply but we are also to have restraint and the sense that he gave us. We can’t let our lusts overtake us to the point of destruction. Here is a letter that she wrote to Dr. C.J. Gamble which appears in Linda Gordon’s The Moral Property of Women: A History of Birth Control Politics in America: The Moral Property of Women,

The Use of Ministers for The Negro Project in a 1939 letter to Dr. C.J. Gamble:

“The ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Sanger also talked about the value of the influence of black ministers:

“The project would hire three or four ‘colored Ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities’ to travel throughout the South and propagandize for birth control, since ‘the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through religious appeal” (as cited in Gordon, 2007, p. 235).

Her reasoning was that it was better to have black skin with which the Black majority could identify subtly discuss the economic hardships of being Black and then conflate with them black procreation and the cost of child-rearing.

Homer G. Phillips black market adoption ring

The Homer G. Phillips Black Market Adoption ring involved the stealing of black babies belonging to mothers living in poverty to sell to affluent Black people who wanted to adopt. Black nurses and doctors were involved in the trafficking of these babies. They felt the child would have a better life with the buyers than their biological families. The biological families were usually told that their baby had died.

Black mothers wonder if their babies were stolen in decades-old mystery

  • Eighteen black women who were told decades ago that their babies had died soon after birth at a St Louis hospital now wonder if the infants were taken away by hospital officials to be raised by other families.
  • Zella Jackson Price, who was 26 in 1965 when she gave birth at Homer G Phillips Hospital in St Louis led the fight against this atrocity when seeking to find out if her baby was stolen, which she was.

Forced and undisclosed sterilizations

Forced and undisclosed sterilizations were common place at one point in America. It is practice with which Margaret Sanger fully supported and for which she advocated, particularly among those with special needs and disabilities. However, there people with special needs who have perfectly healthy children. Black people were often the target for this. Civil Right Activist Fannie Lou Hammer was violated with an undisclosed sterilization when she had surgery for the removal of a uterine tumor. It was colloquially called a Mississippi Appendectomy. The following is a list of articles discussing forced and undisclosed sterilizations:

Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States

The U.S. Government’s Role in Sterilizing Women of Color: Black, Puerto Rican, and Native American women have been victimized

Organ Harvesting another face of Human trafficking: Slavery, Henrietta Lacks and Abortion


Slavery is the form of human trafficking most associated with the Black community. Organ harvesting is the new vehicle of the Black Bodies-for-Profit industry. Aside from sex-trafficking, the most frequently used methods of the human trafficking of Black people are – organ-harvesting (including full body harvesting via science donation) and abortion. Globally, poor people are often pressured into donating their organs and genetic material for paltry sums compared to billions that companies such as BioLife Plasma makes.

Abortion Industry Preys on Black Women

Worse, is the abortion industry who uses despair, disinformation, and misinformation and other misdirecting propaganda to prey upon pregnant women in crises. They scare the women into paying its abortions clinics to kill their babies. Next, those abortion clinics butcher those children (some while still alive, especially for brain harvesting by cutting open the face – no anesthesia or sedation given), then sell the baby’s body parts and organs for profit.

Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks was a cervical cancer patient whose cells were collected from a biopsy of a cancerous that growth on her cervix at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. George Otto Gey performed the biopsy and collected the cells, also being the first to work with the cells in medical research. Gey observed that the cells rapidly reproduced and lived longer than any other cells collected at the time. He labeled them HeLa cells. From that point, HeLa cells were used to create pharmaceuticals. Trillions were made. Lacks nor her family was compensated because consent was not need from patients for the use of their genetic material in other medical research and for-profit activities.

Right to Life Violations

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide has been increasingly impacting those who don’t want it or may not be of sound mind or maturity to make that decision. Such people include:

  • Persons living abject poverty who are seeking financial assistance
  • Persons living with mental illness
  • Persons with disabilities who are seeking accommodations
  • Minors
  • Persons who can not verbally communicate

These people have had their right to life and right change their minds about choosing assisted suicide and euthanasia as well as their families, guardians, and caregivers usurped by the medical industrial complex. Laws such as Louisiana’s definition of death statute Tit. 9, § 111. Definition of death declares a person dead based on the opinions of a physician licensed in the state of Louisiana

Louisiana’s Definition of Death Act states:

A. A person will be considered dead if in the announced opinion of a physician, duly licensed in the state of Louisiana based on ordinary standards of approved medical practice, the person has experienced an irreversible cessation of spontaneous respiratory and circulatory functions.  In the event that artificial means of support preclude a determination that these functions have ceased, a person will be considered dead if in the announced opinion of a physician, duly licensed in the state of Louisiana based upon ordinary standards of approved medical practice, the person has experienced an irreversible total cessation of brain function.  Death will have occurred at the time when the relevant functions ceased.  In any case when organs are to be used in a transplant, then an additional physician, duly licensed in the state of Louisiana not a member of the transplant team, must make the pronouncement of death unless a hospital has adopted a written policy allowing that a single physician, duly licensed in the state of Louisiana, not a member of the transplant team, may make the pronouncement of death.  In all cases in which a hospital written policy provides that a single physician makes the pronouncement of death, such policy shall also require an opinion by a second physician, not a member of the transplant team, as to the candidacy of the person for the process of organ donation.

B. The medical pronouncement of death by a coroner may also be based on personal observation, information, or statements obtained from coroner investigators, registered nurses, physician assistants, or emergency medical technicians at the scene who are reporting from firsthand observation of the physical condition of the deceased.  The time of death shall be reported as the time that the death was reported or discovered.  The name of the personnel that the coroner is relying on shall be noted on the coroner’s investigative report.

Michigan has a similar law called the Determination of Death law that states:

(b) Irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem.

  (2) A determination of death shall be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.

  (3) A physician or registered nurse may pronounce the death of a person in accordance with this act. This subsection does not prohibit a health facility or agency licensed under article 17 of the public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, being section 333.20101 to 333.22260 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, from determining which of its medical personnel may pronounce the death of a person in that health facility or agency

Detroit mother LaShauna Lowry fought Michigan’s Determination of Death law to prevent the ending of her son’s life, Titus Jermaine Cromer, Jr who had suffered a traumatic brain injury and who was 16 at the time. She gained an emergency court order against the hospital to stop them from removing her son’s life support then had a tracheostomy and feeding tube procedures done that would make him eligible to be transferred to a rehabilitation facility. Read about it by clicking the link below on Bobby Schindler.com. Bobby Schindler is the brother of Terry Schiavo whose Right to Life battle brought the issues of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia to the international spotlight.

Teen at Center of ‘Right to Life’ Court Battle Between Mom and Hospital Dies
Titus Jermaine Cromer Jr., 16, passed away on Friday, just days after he was relocated to a Livingston County rehabilitation center and had shown some signs of hope

Watch this video from Stivers Homestead YouTube Channel that discusses a man whose doctors nearly killed him by over prescribing medication to him, then later found out that there action were unorthodox and in fact were they were being incentivized by the pharmaceutical industry to prescribe as many medications as possible. Here is a quote from the video:

“4:59the new doctor looked at his medical

5:01report in his history and was baffled

5:04about the amount of drugs and the dosage

5:07of drugs that he was on and said that

5:09this is probably the reason that you

5:11were feeling so bad and went to the ER

5:12he didn’t even have high blood pressure

5:15he was a borderline blood pressure

5:18something that could have been managed

5:19very easily without any kind of medicine

5:22so the new doctors got him on generics

5:24got him a much lower dosage and”

Please read the comment section of that video. Here is Amanda’s comment about her father’s doctors trying to declare him medically dead. Click on the link to read the replies:


2 days agoSeveral yrs ago, my Dad had pneumonia, was in ICU for over 3 mths. He was only 68 at the time and fully insured. Very very long story short, they illegally changed his med records, had his wife sign a DNR, AGIANST HIS medical wishes, which were on record. Lied and told me he was brain dead and his organs were failing. They lied!!Told me I was selfish for not turning off vent so he could pass. I threatened to hire an atty and sue them into an oblivion, then I called a meeting and fired the ENTIRE ICU TEAM. Demanded they immediately stop ALL meds and wean him off vent. My Dad woke up, not only woke up, but was able to give his wife all passwords to pay their bills. The Drs mouth was on the floor. He is 100% healthy! Praise God! Advocate for your loved ones, research everything yourself, question everything. Unfortunately I no longer trust Drs because of the absolute hell they put our family through. Had I listened, he would be dead! I told the Drs, ” although you have a God complex, you are NOT God! Only God will decide when my Dads time is up! God definitely humbled them.

Government spying on the Public

The government spying specifically on Black people may sound far-fetched until one recounts such cases of spying as:

  • Wiretappings of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King
  • May 3, 1917, the United States Army started a spy program which was to operate WITHIN the United States.
  • Emmett Scott
    • Advisor of Black Affairs to the Secretary of War during Woodrow Wilson’s Administration
    • Head of the Boule during his time as Advisor of Black Affairs
    • Gather information on the actions of
    • African Americans via a network of African American informants in churches and organizations
    • Spy on Black soldiers

These three movies highlight the fact that legitimate conspiracy against the Black community and the mass public – all American citizens – can occur. Please be aware of Smart Cities which will make spying much easier – this has occurred in places such as China and Japan.

Smart’ Cities Are Surveilled Cities
When everyone and everything is connected, the door is open to all kinds of digital threats

Exporting Chinese surveillance: the security risks of ‘smart cities

YouTube Video | Tales from the Hood (1995 film): KKK Comeuppance – Was it a forewarning of the Biden to come?


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Tales from the Hood: Be careful of the Heralding of the Antihero

Tales from the Hood: Be careful of the Heralding of the Antihero

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Tales from the Hood: Be careful of the Heralding of the Antihero

This episode is a discussion of Tales from the Hood to analyze the transformation of anti-heroes in media and their role in socially engineering altered views of moral ethics. Indeed, people are being shown images that relegate moral accountability to situational ethics (leaning unto one’s own understanding), take good for evil and evil for good, and ultimately accept satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet as heroes. How did I arrive at this conclusion? The movie’s hero.

The movie tells the cautionary tales of four people whose bodies are prepared at Simms’ Mortuary. In learning of their tales, The stories told are of Clarence Smith in Rogue Cop Revelation, Walter Johnson in Boys do get Bruised, Duke Metger in KKK Comeuppance, and Jerome “Krazy K” Johns in Hard-Core Convert.

Rogue Cop Revelation

Rogue Cop Revelation tells the story of black officer Clarence Smith who had been recently partnered with racist cop Newton Hauser. Hauser is friends with two other racists cops Strom Richmond and Billy Crumfield. During a routine traffic stop, they pullover politician and civil rights activist Martin Moorehouse. Moorehouse has been working to fight against police brutality. Feeling that good cops have been wrongfully terminated and prosecuted for committing police brutality, the rogue cops take matters into their own hands by beating Moorehouse to death and then planting drugs on his body and shooting it up with drugs to make it seem as if his death was drug-related. Clarence watches, tries to intervene but let’s himself become more intimidated by the other cops. He doesn’t report the incident and is subsequently haunted by memories of the incident and Moorehouse himself.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect Vs. Reality

After watching the murder of Martin Moorehouse, anyone would want to see justice be served on his behalf. Yet, the way in which justice was served is the issue.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect:

-Martin Moorehouse haunts Clarence Smith because he didn’t defend nor rescue him nor report the incident.

-The dead Martin Moorehouse becomes reanimated and kills Crumfield, Richmond, and Hauser. He threatens Smith which drives Smith into insanity.

-Smith is blamed for the murders of Crumfield, Richmond, and Hauser then dies in an insane asylum.


If this was a true story:

-The dead Martin Moorehouse is no longer Martin Moorehouse. It is a demon possessed body. Therefore, you cheer on a demon.

-Crumfield, Richmond, and Hauser would be sinners who need prayer. One would pray for them to turn to Jesus, repent, turn from their sin, and receive a new heart and a renewing of their mind. We don’t cheer on their demise because all of us have fallen short.

-Instead of turning to Jesus, Crumfield, Richmond, and Hauser die in their sins, the demon that possesses the body of Martin Moorehouse becomes the hero.

Boys do get Bruised

Tells the story of Walter Johnson who experienced emotional and physical abuse at the hands of his mother’s boyfriend, Carl. At school, he draws pictures of Carl as a monster. Carl also abuses Walter’s mother, Sissy. Walter’s teacher became concerned about Walter and spoke with Sissy. Eventually, she accepted the teacher’s help. Carl became aware of this and began to be even more abusive. Desperate to defeat Carl, Walter damaged the Carl the monster in one of his drawings until Carl was dead.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect Vs. Reality

It is natural to want Carl gone. It is natural to have wanted to Mr. Garvey to beat up Carl then join Sissy and Walter’s family which is what happened. Yet, the way that it happened is problematic.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect:

-Walter defeats Carl by mangling his drawings of Carl.

-There was romantic between Mr. Garvey and Sissy. Mr. Garvey wanted to be there for Walter and Sissy.

-Carl dies in what seems to be a deserved fashion.


-Walter, unknowingly, used witchcraft to defeat Carl. Witchcraft was celebrated as a result. Now, on the otherhand, Carl could have been killed in self-defense naturally and it would not have been a sin.

-The tension between Sissy and Mr. Garvey lead one to want see them together in spite of the fact that Sissy was with Carl. First, Sissy was already in sin because she was cohabitating with Carl. A romantic relationship with Mr. Garvey would have caused her to go further into sin as well cause him to go into sin.

-Carl needed prayer and deliverance. One would pray for him to turn to Jesus, repent, turn from his sin, and receive a new heart and a renewing of his mind before continued living an unrepentant life as a monster.

KKK Comeuppance

In this story, senator and former KKK member Duke Metger and his Public Relations consultant Rhodie (a black elitist) who are working to get Duke elected as governor. Duke faces great opposition because of his past membership with the Ku Klux Klan and AND his choice of the location of his campaign headquarters – his grandfather’s old plantation. His grandfather murdered his slaves upon finding out slavery in the south had been legally ended. There is an old legend that says that a former slave woman used witchcraft to capture their souls and place them in the bodies of dolls. The dolls would periodically come to life and their leader was the woman’s husband who had been killed. A farmer named Eli, who seemed as if he were a man from the past, warned Duke not to stay in the mansion. A mural of the woman and her dolls was located in Duke’s office.

As Duke’s public relations advisor, Rhodie’s job was to teach Duke how speak and gesture in a way so as to appeal likeable to the public. While recording one of their sessions, they switched roles, and Duke asked Rhodie about the dolls. Rhodie, in spite of being Black, made a racist joke about Black people, then quickly came to his senses stating that he’d been around Duke too long. Yet, they heard him and tripped him as they he and duke were going down the staircase while filming. This Rhodie to fall and break his neck – dying as a result. After leaving Rhodie’s funeral, Metger saw the doll of voodoo witch’s husband in his limo. Later, he watched the video that he and Rhodie recorded and saw the same doll on the step that Rhodie tripped from.

Night time comes and a secretly scared Duke calls his assistants to see when they are coming over. His assistant Jenny bears a striking resemblance to Jen Psaki. After he gets of the phone with them, he encounters the doll. Then, he and the doll battle, after. Ultimately, Duke is killed by all of the dolls. They were in the mural the whole time.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect:

– Duke was a disrespectful idiot

-He disrespected the elders

-He went Willie Lynch on the woman’s husband

– The elders got revenge


We don’t fight against people. We fight against satan’s wicked spiritual workers in his kingdom of darkness that affect people.

– The elders as characters in this movie wouldn’t have been the elders. It is appointed to man to live once.

Hebrews 9:24-28

24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others;

26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.

2 Corinthians 5:1-11

1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:

3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.

4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

Demons would be pretending to be those elders.

-Duke and Rhodie would need prayer. They should repent and turn to Jesus, turn from sin. They will receive a new heart and a renewing of their minds.

-Demons masquerading as the elders were celebrated.

Hard-Core Convert

Jerome “Krazy K” Johns is a drug dealer and gang member who guns down the friend of other gang members. In turn, his friends attempted to kill him. Ultimately, he succumbs to his injuries. Yet, spiritually, though he thought the following events took place in the natural world, he was offered a chance to change by Dr. Cushing. She had a rehabilitation program that she wanted him to join. He joined but finally chose not to change which lead to the damnation of his soul.

Antithetical Anti-Hero Aspect:

-Krazy K had been a victim of the violence and neglect that those he terrorized experienced due to his actions.

-Krazy K heart became hardened and turn into a vicious killer.


-Krazy K went to hell as a result of not having

-Krazy K’s own stubbornness caused him to not have a beautiful relationship with GOD, lose the opportunity to live up to his potential, live a better life, and help others conquer the types of challenges that he defeated.

-Dr. Cushing represented GOD. GOD The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost are male. The movie’s representation of GOD is blasphemous. Though, if she is an angel, that’s different. However, many people don’t know this, there aren’t any female angels from what I have learned so far.

The Heroes and Villains

There were only four heroes in this movie: The alive Martin Moorehouse, Mr. Garvey, Eli, and Dr. Cushing. Their roles were underplayed. However, the intent was to depict the victims as conquering heroes. Witchcraft and demonic activity transformed good intentions into evil actions. These actions paved the road that lead to satan being viewed as the big hero in the movie.

In this movie, for one wanting to see the villainous get punished, satan becomes the hero as he seemingly doles out justice to the three main characters, the three gang members who were also revealed to be the same three people who killed Krazy K. Without understanding GOD’s Word, a person would overlook that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of GOD. We all need prayer.

Romans 3:23

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

The villainous humans leaned unto their own understanding which led them into sin. Leaning unto one’s own understanding rather than obeying GOD and trusting his understanding leads everyone into sin.

Proverbs 3:5

5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Thus, the villainous people would need GOD. They would need prayer. Mankind’s adversary, satan, is seeking who he can devour by leading them into sin to destroy them.

1 Peter 5:6-9

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

In reality, satan would have played a major part in tempting the villainous characters into sin, such as when he lured the three gang members by offering to sell them drugs that he’d found rather than turning giving it over to law enforcement.

James 4:6 – 10

6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Tales from the Hood|Rhodie/Duke Metger precursor to Biden/Harris?

Tales from the Hood|Rhodie/Duke Metger precursor to Biden/Harris?

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Tales from the Hood|Rhodie/Duke Metger precursor to Biden/Harris?


Tales from the Hood: Rhodie (black elitists) or Duke Metger (Biden) – Who was the Bigger Threat to Black People?

#Prolife #LABlackAdvocatesforLife #LouisianaBlackAdvocatesforLife #BlackGenocide #AbortionIsEugenics #PlannedParenthoodIsElitist #Elitism
#ElitismIsHomicidal #LouisianaRightToLife #PlannedParenthoodPredators #PlannedParenthoodOwesReparations #Reparations

In Rusty Condieff’s 1995 horror movie Tales from the Hood, there is a story called KKK Comeuppance which starred Corbin Bersen as senator and former KKK member Duke Metger and Roger Guenver Smith as his Public Relations consultant Rhodie (a black elitist) who are working to get Duke elected as governor. Duke faces great opposition because of his past membership with the Ku Klux Klan and AND his choice of the location of his campaign headquarters – his grandfather’s old plantation. His grandfather murdered his slaves were upon finding out slavery in the south had been legally ended. There is an old legend that says that a former slave woman used witchcraft to capture their souls and place them in the bodies of dolls. The dolls would periodically come to life and their leader was the woman’s husband who had been killed. A mural of the woman and her dolls was located Duke’s office.

Alone, Duke was an unlikeable, arrogant, person. Yet, with the help of Rhodie, his appeal grew which made him a serious contender in the governor’s race. When looking at today’s political scene, one would easily say that Trump was like Duke Metger – when looking from a superficial perspective. A SUPERFICIAL PERSPECTIVE. He wasn’t the most tactful. He was blunt. Some, DEFINITELY NOT ALL, of Trump’s were white supremacists (some were also white “liberals” pretending to be stereotypical white conservative Trump supporters) and those who weren’t white were anti-black, some of which were black. Yes, there are anti-black black people. One such character in Tales from The Hood was Rhodie. Rhodie seemed to represent a stereotypical black republican. He seems like the type of anti-black, self-hating black person who would pretend to “help” the black people improve their community by getting rid of as many Black people as possible using:

– Forget GOD and uphold multicultural, pagan ideals instead

– Abortion

– Euthanasia (gotta maintain that quality of life)

– Normalization of promiscuity

– Normalization of destructive alternative lifestyles

– The stigmatizing of traditional marriage and family

-The normalization of addiction and substance abuse, such as recreationally smoking heroin

Columbia professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’

People who promote such self-destructive behaviors as normal or even inherently black are an enemy! They are an enemy of mankind, no matter how progressive that they think such behaviors are. Indeed, progressivism, like evolution, is an oxymoron because you don’t gain anything biologically nor socially. Things regress to its most basic form. Though, a progressive such as a eugenicist might would tell you, “progressive for the purpose of efficiency – less means more.” More for them, more resources for them in their quest to reign supreme in the survival of the fittest, or their horrible misinterpretation of term. Yet, we don’t see the promotion of such self-destructive behavior coming from Black Republicans, Conservatives, and Independents. We see the encouragement of black self-destruction coming from Black Democrats

Most Democrat Legislators Champion Margaret Sanger’s Racist Genocide Mission – Are They Counter-representing You?

Liberals, and some (especially paid) Social Justice activists as well as your various dose-of-distraction-from-news-and-entertainment-attractions.

Black Agents of White Supremacy in the Media endorse racist Joe Biden

Support of the Super Predators: White Supremacists in Liberal Disguise and the Mainstream Media that promotes them

Joe Biden & his supporters on Joe’s racist association with the klansmen sound a lot like Duke Metger & Rhodie in Tales from the
Hood @ 0:56:22 mins

“We all have a past, now don’t we?”
“We all, have a past. Its a better man who can learn from his failures. I know that I have learned from mine and I’m better for it.”

Duke Metger & Rhodie in Tales from the Hood,

Margaret Sanger also used black elitists to carry out her plan for eugenics by way of birth control.

Planned Parenthood has stalked and misinformed Black people, particularly Black people experiencing poverty as well as uneducated Black people about the personhood of an unborn child. However, Black Democrats, Liberals, and some (especially paid) Social Justice activists such as Black Lives Matter:

BLM to Biden & Harris: We want something for our vote

– BLM got in the way with their grifting and clout-seeking.

Michael Brown’s father, Ferguson activists demand $20M from BLM
By Kenneth Garger


Where is the $90 million dollars collected by BLM? Michael Brown’s father, Ferguson activists demand $20M from BLM

Shaun King attempted to discredit Samaria Rice when she spoke against the political exploitation of racism and police brutality done by pseudo-social activists, celebrities, and politicians. Shaun King stated that she was not thinking the way that liberal white “woke” supremacy wants her to think. She isn’t sticking with their destructive narrative and agenda for Black people. They’re redlining us into feeling that we can’t be self-reliant! Meanwhile, Closet Capitalist Anarchists ease into the neighbohoods they help to destroy to start businesses, buy real estate for commercial and residential purposes;etc. #UnfollowShaunKing

“I read Shaun King’s piece about Samaria Rice’s critical social media comments and this is some of the most patronizing ugly sh-t I’ve ever seen”

BLM destroyed a beautiful,civilized movement as well as communities. It could have been a beautiful,civilized movement yet they ruined it w/buffoonery such as twerking for Martin Luther King, Jr Day and WAP stupidity

Joe Biden’s non-response reminds me of this scene from Tales from The Hood:

Duke Metger in Tales from the Hood, “No Reparations!” https://youtu.be/7vjwA1IkIRk

and Black ministers

Apostate False Preachers for Feticide and Infanticide: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

have been its main proponents and propagandists since the early 1900’s when it was known as the American Birth Control League. To appeal to Black people, Sanger said:

The Use of Ministers for The Negro Project in a 1939 letter to Dr. C.J. Gamble:

“The ministers work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

In Birth Control and the Negro, Sanger talked about the value of the influence of black ministers:

“The project would hire three or four ‘colored Ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities’ to travel throughout the South and propagandize for birth control, since ‘the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through religious appeal” (as cited in Gordon, 2007, p. 235).

Dr. Albert Lasker, Sanger (1939) stated, “If we could get the Negro Universities and the Negro medical groups behind this project it will go over really big I think, especially if there is a little money to give to those for time spent and for supplies in their clinics.”(para. 3)

One of her biggest propagandists was W.E.B. DuBois (See: Negroes and Birth Control, https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/16e5b6a56c2c4aedb3274e7124f3006e.jpg)

W.E.B. DuBois (1939) stated:
“Among the more intelligent class, was a postponement of marriage, which greatly decreased the number of children. Today, among this class of Negroes few men marry before thirty, and numbers of them after forty. The marriage of women of this class has similarly been postponed.

In addition to this, the low incomes which Negroes receive make bachelorhood and spinsterhood widespread, with the naturally resultant lowering, in some cases, of sex standards. On the other hand, the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” (para. 4 and para.5).

Joe Biden has more in common with Duke over the course of his career than does Trump. Here are the facts listed in my article, Joe Biden has built his career by FIGHTING AGAINST EQUITY and EQUALITY, https://followerofthewayforever.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/joe-biden-has-built-his-career-by-fighting-against-equity-and-equality/ :

“Joe used the drug epidemic to target Blacks and poor people to serve longer sentences for trafficking by promoting proganda that crack is more lethal than cocaine. Blacks and poor people could afford crack for distribution and sell because it was less expensive than cocaine which Biden gave lesser sentencing. This occurred during the time the number privatized prisons began to increase. These were for-profit prisons. This first company to take over a prison was Core Civic in 1984. Civic Core took over a Shelby County, Tennessee prison.

Vox.com’s German Lopez https://www.vox.com/2015/8/26/9208983/joe-biden-black-lives-matter shares Jamelle Bouie’s list at Slate.com https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/08/joe-biden-presidential-run-why-its-a-bad-idea.html:

“Comprehensive Control Act: This 1984 law, spearheaded by Biden and Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC), expanded drug trafficking penalties and federal “civil asset forfeiture,” which allows police to seize and absorb someone’s property — whether cash, cars, guns, or something else — without proving the person is guilty of a crime. Under the federal Equitable Sharing program, local and state police get up to 80 percent of the value of what they seize as funds for their departments, which critics say creates a for-profit incentive to take people’s stuff.

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: This law, sponsored and partly written by Biden, ratcheted up penalties for drug crimes. It also created a big sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine — even though both drugs are pharmacologically similar, the law made it so someone would need to possess 100 times the amount of powder cocaine to be eligible for the same mandatory minimum sentence for crack. Since crack is more commonly used by black Americans, this sentencing disparity helped fuel the disproportionate rates of imprisonment among black communities.

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988: This law, co-sponsored by Biden, strengthened prison sentences for drug possession, enhanced penalties for transporting drugs, and established the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which coordinates and leads federal anti-drug efforts.

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act: This 1994 law, partly written by Biden and signed by President Bill Clinton, imposed tougher sentences (including some mandatory minimums) and increased funding for prisons, fostering the explosive growth of the US prison population from the 1990s through the 2000s — a trend that’s only begun to reverse in the past few years. Since black Americans are disproportionately likely to be incarcerated, the law helped contribute to the mass incarceration of black Americans in particular. But the law also included all sorts of other measures, including the Violence Against Women Act that helped crack down on domestic violence and rape, a 10-year ban on assault weapons, funding for firearm background checks, and grant programs for local and state police.

The RAVE Act: This 2003 law built on the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 to impose civil penalties on businesses that knowingly lease, rent, use, or profit from a space where illicit drugs are being stored, manufactured, distributed, or used. The idea was to go after raves in which drugs are widely used. But the law has been widely criticized for making rave organizers so paranoid about anti-drug crackdowns that they stopped doing anything that would implicate them in drug use, including providing medical or educational services for drug users.”

Interesting that Joe and Strom Thurmond partnered to write the 1984 Comprehensive Control Act during the same time period that Core Civic took over a facility in Tennessee. The increase in the number of privatized coincided with Biden’s focus on creating crime bill’s. To sell his 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act #1994CrimeBill, Biden’s rhetoric was “Lock the S.O.B.’s Up” to further vilify the poor and other disenfranchised people to justify mass incarceration.

-‘Lock the S.O.B.s Up’: Joe Biden and the Era of Mass Incarceration

He now plays down his role overhauling crime laws with segregationist senators in the ’80s and ’90s. That portrayal today is at odds with his actions and rhetoric back then.

His magnum opus was his 1993 Predators Beyond the Pale Speech

-Joe Biden Warns Of “Predators On Our Streets” Who Were “Beyond The Pale” In 1993 Crime Speech

– Joe Biden wrote the Clinton approved Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act:

Bill Clinton’s crime bill destroyed lives, and there’s no point denying it


In addition to creating legislation that racially profiles minorities into a system of for-profit mass incarceration, he has also been a loyal supporter of planned parenthood.

Current Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson says:

“Margaret Sanger’s beliefs caused irreparable damage to the lives and health of generations of Black people, Latino people, Indigenous people, immigrants, people with disabilities, people with low incomes, and many others.” Read more from
: https://p.ppfa.org/3x3N29f

I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder

Despite McGill-Johnson’s statement of the racist activities of planned parenthood as well as Kamala Harris’ expression of fear of Joe Biden’s praise of the known white supremacists of whom he has shown reverence:

What bothered Kamala about Joe? Interview with Kamala Harris on the campaign trail – Face the Nation

11:35 mins: “Praising and coddling individuals who made it their life work and built their reputation off of segregation of the races in the United States……..I would not be a member of the United States senate if those men he praised had their way.”

What bothered Kamala about Joe?
Let’s talk about Joe Biden – 10:53 mins

this year he has still allowed the government to give over 400 million dollars to continue to decimate the Black community.

Joe Biden Gives Abortion Industry $467.8 Billion, 19 Times More Tax Money Than Obama

Black people make up 13% of the population and Black women only represent 6% of the total population yet account for 36.9% of the nation’s abortions whereas white women account for 36% of the nation’s abortions however white people are 76% of the nation’s population. (Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al, 2015).

Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al. Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2015. MMWR Surveill Summ 2018;67(No. SS-13):1–45. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.ss6713a1

Regarding the near extinction of the Black population in America due to abortion, Nyhiem Way El stated to reparations group American Descendants of Slaves,


“- Based on the January 2018 estimate that there have been 60 million abortions in the United States since 1973,20 we can deduce that well over 18 million of them were performed on black babies.
– As of July 2017, the black population in the U.S. stood somewhere around 40 million, which means that abortion has reduced the size of the black community by more than 30%—and that doesn’t include the children and grandchildren that would have been born to those aborted more than a generation ago.’

Abort73.(n.d.). Abortion and Race. Retrieved from https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/

Essentially, this is a 50% halt in population growth if you look at the children and grandchildren who would’ve been born since 1973 of the aborted. (Way El, 2019)

**As of July 2017, the black population in the U.S. stood somewhere around 40 million, meaning abortion has reduced the size of the black community over 30% and doesn’t including potential children and grandchildren born to those aborted a generation ago

Planned Parenthood owes reparations to Black people, Hispanics, those living in poverty, women, AND fathers who wanted their children that were aborted.

GOD hates the Oppression of the Disenfranchised: Proverbs 30:14 & Jeremiah 34:8 – 22

Proverbs 30:14
“There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.”

Hypocrisy of Joe Biden: A Legacy of Self-Entitlement and Oppression against the Disenfranchised

Biden’s overall opinion of Black people continues to be low,especially of those who would vote for him. In August 2020, Biden stated at a meeting with Latino voters:

“By the way, what you all know, but most people don’t, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”
—#JoeBiden 8/6/2020

I’m glad that I’m a notable exception – I didn’t vote for him.

I will never support the removal of GOD being THE GUIDE of America, abortion

Scriptures Against Abortion and Child Abuse

Matthew 18:5-6,10
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea

10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven

the destruction of traditional marriage and family, the destruction of traditional gender roles,eugenics, population control,euthanasia, and government and corporate hoarding rationing for totalitarian purposes disguised as environmentalism and sustainability.

Way El, N.(2019,May 16).Predatory Abortion Industry causes 50% halt in black population growth

Du Bois, W.E.B.(1939, April). Negroes and Birth Control. Smith

Sanger,M.(1939).Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C.J. Gamble December 10,1939. Smith Libraries Exhibit, Accessed January 10, 2019, Retrieved from https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/d6358bc3053c93183295bf2df1c0c931.pdf

Gordon,L.(2007). Birth Control and the Negro. In The Moral Property of Women, p.235. Urbana; Chicago: University of Illiniois Press.

Sanger,M.(1939).Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. Albert Lasker November 12,1939. Smith Libraries Exhibit, Accessed January 11, 2019, Retrieved from https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/087da25e33426c0e81b01eebcdcc079d.jpg

Predictive Programming: The Invisible Ray (1936)

Predictive Programming: The Invisible Ray (1936)


#BorisKarloff #TheInvisibleRay #UniversalStudios #MarvelComics #UniversalMarvel #TheBlackPanther #Vibranium #EmmettTill #TChalla #ChadwickBoseman #Disney #BlackPanther #GoodMorningAmerica #TheInvisibleRay #JoeBiden #MassIncarceration #PrivatizedPrisons #PredictiveProgramming #BLM #FrederickDouglass

The Invisible Ray is a movie starring Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. Boris was so ruggedly handsome in this movie. I had no idea that he was that goodlooking – anyway,lol. I was watching Reformed Fruit’s review of the movie

The Invisible Ray (1936) – Movie Review
Reformed Fruit

and he mentioned two plot features that caught my attention – my ears wiggled like Little Joe’s on that episode of Bonanza Joe Cartwright Detective, lol – A rock from outer space landing Africa and the symbolic destruction of statues. A commenter also noticed the rock from outer space landing in Africa. The Black Panther’s Vibranium instantly came to mind. I have previously written about the effects of the fantasy of the Black Panther movie on the Black Community in America. In my article Emmett Till Eclipsed by The Black Panther, https://followerofthewayforever.wordpress.com/2019/02/20/emmett-till-eclipsed-by-the-black-panther/, I highlighted that the fantasy world of Wakanda was a symbolic distraction overshadowed real time events and the real role of Wakanda. During the time that The Black Panther saturated the media as if it were real (Good Morning America had Michael Strahan and Robin Roberts on overtime reporting on the movie and actors portraying citizens of Wakanda), Emmett Till’s accuser came forth to confess that she lied about him sexually harassing her.

Emmett Till’s Accuser Admits She Lied About Claims That Led To His Murder

Emmett Till’s accuser admits: It was all a lie

Little attention was given on this bombshell in the man media. The mainstream also didn’t focus Joe Biden’s long history of creating legislation that racially profiled Blacks into mass incarceration in for-profit privatized prisons. I highlighted this in my article,

Joe Biden has built his career by FIGHTING AGAINST EQUITY and EQUALITY


Reformed Fruit mentioned the symbolic destruction of statues taking place in the story. I thought of BLM’s pseudo-symbolic destruction of statues. It could have almost been taken seriously until they fought to remove the Freed Slave – funded and Frederick Douglass supported the Emancipation Memorial statue which featured Abraham Lincoln setting free a slave who’s depicted rising from bondage and social degradation to the dignity of full personhood in American society in a free world. He is gaining true freedom in a free world is the idea. Yet, BLM ignores the historical context of the subject of the statue as well as the efforts of the ACTUAL FORMER SLAVES who paid for the memorial and are the actual humans beings who deserved reparations who enduring the ACTUAL INJUSTICES THAT THEY EXPERIENCED!!